News and Additions
Page updated:
14-jan-2010 11:27:29 +0100
Invitation |
| Registration | Submission of Abstracts
| Travel info | Time schedule | Session
Programme | Grimeton Radio
This page will be regularly updated when new information or instructions are
available, and thus serves as the place to obtain all distributed information from the
Organising Committee, Programme Committee and the Conference Secretariat.
11 April 2008
Ionospheric Radio Systems and Techniques conference IRST 2009 will be held
28 April - 1 May 2009.

21 August 2007
HF 07 conference participants can now access the
20 August 2007
We would like to remind all visitors to this web that an updated CD-ROM
containing the papers from all 8 conferences (1986-2007) in Acrobat PDF format is available
for sale from this page (order form).
09 August 2007
HF 07 Invitation page is
updated with final conference program, invitation and information documents.
HF 07 Travel info page has finally(?)
been updated to reflect current timetables, etc. Check it out.
29 June 2007
If you have not yet
received an invoice for your HF 07 participation it is due to problems with our
new business/administration system. They will most likely be sent out during the
first week of July. If you have not received your invoice by mid July, please
e-mail the Conference Secretariat.
The HF 07 Session
Programme is now published
here (the Programme
button is now active).
21 May 2007
We already have well over 100 registered
participants at the conference, so everybody that still has not registered
should do that quickly to make sure that you will be able to participate.
still is some exhibition space left. Please register your interest to exhibit
products within the conference scope. You may download the exhibitor's
information from here.
As a new offering we will this year allow sponsorships for selected
Information may be downloaded from
7 May 2007
Information to authors: The confirmation e-mail you have received when
submitting your paper unfortunately have had a confusing wording.
it addresses you by first name and not your surname.
it states that the paper is attached which has not been the case.
Thirdly, it refers to the presentation and not
the paper.
The wording in the confirmation e-mail is now being corrected. However, those
having already submitted their papers will not receive any new (corrected)
confirmation e-mail.
3 April 2007
The final Invitation with provisional programme has been added to the
Invitation page.
Please register to the conference using either the web form (through User
registration and Conference registration) or the PDF-form that can be filled out
on screen and printed.
2 March 2007
The Travel info page is now updated
for HF 07.
26 February 2007
The Programme Committee held its
abstracts review meeting last week. All contributors should by now have received
a response on their submissions. Please contact us otherwise.
23 February 2007
Enter the
Invitation page to obtain the latest
information about HF 07, including authours template files for paper submissions.
10 December 2006
HF 07, 14-17 August 2007, is opened for registration
Read First Invitation and Call for Papers
For a log of earlier news,
visit the News Archive
