Page updated: 08-okt-2019 16:22:39 +0200
News | Invitation | Information | Time schedule | Travel info | Session Programme | Organisers | Sponsors
This page will be regularly updated when new information or instructions are available, and thus serves as the place to obtain all distributed information from the Organising Committee, Programme Committee and the Conference Secretariat.
Please open/distribute:
HF 19 Second
invitation and provisional programme
Please open/distribute:
19 Sponsorship
items offer [Updated: 24-Jun-2019]
The Programme Committee held its
abstracts review meeting on Monday 25 March. All contributors will soon receive
a response to their submissions. Please contact us otherwise.
Authors shall download a Zipped template
instructions file from the Invitation
Login issue at My Pages
should now have been fixed. Sorry for that, please try again!
Travel info
page and other pages are now
also updated for HF 19.
Please open/distribute:
Invitation and Call for Papers
- updated
with new closing dates!
Please visit the new Invitation page with further page links opened for the HF 19 conference
Please open/distribute:
Invitation and Call for Papers
Please open/distribute:
Invitation and Call for Papers
- all
details are not yet ready!
HF 19 is planned for 12-14
August 2019. The official First Invitation and Call for Papers is planned for
October 2018.
Your submission of a paper will be much appreciated, so please prepare early!
For a log of all earlier news, HF 98 ... HF 16, please visit the News Archive
Questions: Contact