SNRV - Swedish National Committee of URSI
SNRV was founded in 1931 as the Swedish National Committee of the International Union
of Radio Science (URSI). There are corresponding committees in the other Nordic countries.
SNRV has 20 members and in addition about 125 co-opted members. The objective of SNRV
is to encourage and promote education, research and development in the radio field. SNRV
is responsible for the representation of Sweden in URSI.
The SNRV members are divided into sections in the same way as the URSI Commissions.
Each section chairman is also the official Swedish representative of the corresponding
URSI Commission.
SNRV and
URSI are also in charge of arranging national and international conferences
to spread scientific results and to make the radio scientific field a subject of debate.
NRS - Nordic Radio
The Nordic Radio Society within SNRV has the aim to contribute to development and
increase of the radio technical competence by arranging or initiating various activities
within the radio field.
In addition to arranging conferences a number of Seminars on special radio themes for
a limited number of participants has been held. Moreover, Evening Meetings with invited
guests have been arranged on radio topics.
NRS is thus a forum for contacts and exchange of information between experts,
scientists, technicians and people engaged in development. The Nordic Radio Society works
for exchange of knowledge between different technical disciplines and between university
and radio industry.
The members of NRS represent SNRV, the radio industry, the defence and universities.